
2021年UWP写作展示. 语言改变世界.




获奖者:Briyanna Moore(她/她)  








第一名:John Jewitt(他/他) 



第二名:Madison Bartosch(她/她)




The region in which 州立鲍灵格林大学 and its campuses are situated inhabit the Great Black Swamp and the Lower Great Lakes region. 这片土地是怀亚多特人的家园, 基卡普人, 迈阿密, 帕塔瓦米语, Odawa, 以及其他多个土著部落国家, 现在和过去, 谁被强行带进和带出了这个地区. We recognize these historical and contemporary ties in our efforts toward decolonizing history and thank the Indigenous individuals and communities who have been living and working on this land from time immemorial.


* 主席致辞全文 .pdf



5分钟预先录制的演示- 短 & 信息与关键要点. 想想Vox、Buzzfeed或NowThis风格的视频.
15分钟预先录制的演示- 更长的深度信息展示. 想想一个ted演讲/纪录片风格的视频.


作者:Alexis Tremaine(她/她)

在这个演讲中, 我将讨论为什么在一个话语社区中,个人的能力是很重要的. 作为一名心理学专业的学生,我的重点将是心理学话语社区. 我考察了社区内使用的语言的重要性, highlighting how it feels to go from an outsider to a member using Perri Klass’s article “Hers: She’s ‘Your Basic L.O.L. 在N.A.D.实习生说.’”我考虑了皮埃尔·贝曼(Pierre Bayman)和理查德·E. 关于计算器的语言. 我引用的最后一篇文章来自话语心理学家Sally Wiggens, whose essay in Qualitative 博天堂官方网站 in 心理学 discusses the importance of discursive psychology and communicating with others. 在我的工作中,我博天堂官方网站了语言的重要性. 这背后的原因是因为每个社区都有特定的术语. 这些术语使个人能够更好地理解群体中的各种概念. 具备术语和概念的知识, 会员之间和非会员之间可以更好地沟通. I hope to teach the audience why gaining an understanding of the language a discourse community uses is crucial to being a member of that community.


我叫亚历克西斯. 我是博天堂官方网站的一年级学生, 主修刑事司法和心理学. 在Covid-19大流行期间开始上大学是艰难的, 但我已经找到了帮助自己保持自我照顾的方法, 花时间和我爱的人在一起. When I graduate I plan on pursuing my dream career in forensic psychology and being able to properly communicate my thoughts is a crucial skill needed in that field. That is why I will be sharing the importance of becoming competent in the psychology discourse community.


海报展示 用海报和简短的解释来传达一个主题.



我写作展示的主题是学生们是如何处理在线课程的. 他们的社交生活受到了怎样的影响, 他们的成绩受到了怎样的影响, 以及他们的心理健康受到了怎样的影响. I became interested in my topic for my proposal for the 作品展示 because I wanted to know how students here at BGSU were doing with classes being online. 我自己也知道,这学期我一直在苦苦挣扎. 我想知道这里的学生做得怎么样, 他们的成绩是更好还是更差, 对他们来说交朋友是更容易还是更难, and lastly was their mental health better or worse from not being allowed to have in-person classes and restrictions on many things


我的名字是约翰·朱伊特,我的一些兴趣和激情与体育有关. 我喜欢运动,喜欢观看,也喜欢学习. 我写作展示的主题是学生们是如何处理在线课程的. 他们的社交生活受到了怎样的影响, 他们的成绩受到了怎样的影响, 以及他们的心理健康受到了怎样的影响. I became interested in my topic for my proposal for the 作品展示 because I wanted to know how students here at BGSU were doing with classes being online.



教育写作的博天堂官方网站主要集中在具体的例子和结构上. This idea has led me to ask what the foundation is when it comes to creating lesson plans in early childhood and special education classrooms as well as their visible effectiveness. I answer this question by obtaining lesson plans from topic related teachers along with asking students how having a structured lesson plan has affected their learning outcomes. 我发现老师写教案有很多不同的方法, 他们倾向于围绕他们所教的学生和他们的学习方式. I chose this topic to create my project on because lesson plans are an important aspect in the classroom in order to keep structure when teaching younger and special needs students. I enjoy knowing the different ways lesson plans can be created along with not only the structural form of them but the creative side as well. 我相信这是一个值得学习的重要话题,因为每个老师都会制定教案, meaning that future teachers like myself need a place where they can go and read about different aspects of lesson plans as well as their do’s and don’ts.


我的名字是麦迪逊·巴托什,我是一个包容性的幼儿教育专业. 我真的很喜欢阅读,喜欢和朋友和家人在一起. I have found that some aspects of learning during COVID-19 are easier than others such as online classes, however not having the ability to make as many friends from in person classes has been somewhat of a struggle. After college I hope to work in a low budget school that is in a serious need for a special needs teacher or a teacher for young students. I plan on using writing everyday in my classroom to create lesson plans and help my students expand their creativity through stories. I became interested in lesson plan foundations as my topic because I always wanted to teach young students with special needs and be able to make a difference in the world, doing this research project gives me a leg up and allows me to emerge myself into my future career and will help me plan for my students better in the future.

* 简要说明-麦迪逊.多克斯
屏幕-射- 2021 - 04 - 16 -在- 7所示.24.20-AM


其博天堂官方网站 "encompasses a range of research approaches and strategies that utilize one or more of the arts in investigation. Such approaches have evolved from understandings that life and experiences of the world are multifaceted, and that art offers ways of knowing the world that involve sensory perceptions and emotion as well as intellectual responses" (Greenwood, 2019).


作者:Briyanna Moore(她/她)   

这段视频说明了头发对黑人社区的重要性. 在本视频中, 我谈到了非洲裔美国人头发的历史, 这些年来它是如何稳步发展的, 以及美国和国际社会如何看待它. My inspiration for choosing this topic was the various conversations we had and the several works of storytelling we read in my WRIT 1120H course that addressed this topic. The different hairstyles that pertain to my community is also something that has always been innately important to me. 因此,我的这个项目的目标是探索, 为我自己, the reasons why I and other black people feel a sense of protection of our hair; and put the information that I found in an accessible way for others outside of the black community to be able to learn from.


你好! 我叫Briyanna Moore. Being an advocate for at risk and minority communities is a passion that I have had throughout high school, 并且在我到目前为止在BGSU的经历中不断成长. 虽然在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间作为一名学生带来了挑战, it has also brought me many opportunities to develop my interests and participate in many events on campus, 例如大学生研讨会和这个写作展示. 写作是我在空闲时间喜欢做的事情. 它是我创造性地表达自己的一种方式, 同时也为我所属的社区或盟友的社区发声. 因此, 在我大学经历之后, 我打算继续写我自己的博客, 一切都很简单, about the different lessons I've learned throughout life and to advocate for the things I believe in. My inspiration for choosing to write about the significance of hair to the black community was the various conversations held and several works of storytelling I read within WRIT 1120H Honors Seminar in 博天堂官方网站 Writing, 这是我去年秋天上的一门课,讲博天堂官方和反种族主义.

* Briyanna-期末博天堂官方网站项目论文(1).pdf
