的 careful identification and analysis of the traces of crime occupy a BGSU 法医化学家ry student in an Ohio lab.
  • 单身汉可用
  • 单身汉可用



BGSU的法医学学士学位是由 法医学教育项目认证委员会(FEPAC) 提供法医药物分析专业.

This degree is designed for students interested in applying analytical chemistry to forensic evidence to help solve crimes. 学生 completing this specialization will be well prepared for a graduate forensic science program or employment in a crime laboratory.

This specialization provides a strong background in chemistry with additional exposure to the unique aspects of working in forensic science.

的 program benefits from a close affiliation with the 法医学未来博天堂官方网站中心 and the Ohio Attorney General’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation Crime Lab. 学生 will learn aspects of chemistry and chemical analysis and how to apply those principles to analyzing evidence. 这将包括现场颜色测试中的化学反应, 从复杂混合物中提取药物, 使用化学仪器,如气相色谱仪和质谱仪. Not only will the student be able to analyze mock street-drug samples to mimic the duties of a drug chemist, 但他们也会分析模拟体液来确定药物的含量, 就像在毒理学实验室工作一样. This education includes instruction on answering testimony-type questions to increase the understanding of a jury.


适当的, 道德和准确地处理犯罪现场的物证对破案至关重要. 法医毒品分析师是司法系统的重要组成部分.

BGSU法医药物分析专业的学生是跨学科的, 博天堂官方网站法医学的生物学和化学基础, 现场程序和收集的法律和道德要求, 在法庭上分析和提出证据. 

的 BGSU 法医科学 Program offers students an unparalleled opportunity to prepare for careers as forensic scientists through a unique combination of:

  • 拥有数十年专业犯罪实验室工作经验的专家团队
  • 新设计的法医学教室和实验室学习空间
  • 动手使用尖端的犯罪实验室仪器
  • 模拟犯罪现场屋

脱颖而出 在课程中

  • 有机化学中的光谱方法
  • 法医学概论
  • 滥用药物的药理学和毒理学
  • 物理化学
  • 化学分离

BGSU是 全国为数不多的大学之一 学校里有个刑事调查实验室.


的 Bachelor of 科学 in forensic science with a specialization in forensic drug analysis curriculum provides the essential chemical, scientific and laboratory problem-solving skills necessary for graduate success in a modern forensic science laboratory. 

生物学基础, 人体解剖学, 有机化学和生物化学与物理化学课程相辅相成, 化学分离, 毒理学及化学分离与检测方法.

常见的法医任务,比如血型, 白色粉末实验室, 头发分析, 毒理学和滥用药物的理论涵盖, 在BGSU模拟犯罪屋的实验室和现场练习.  

的 program combines rigorous chemistry theory and lab study with exposure to the broader unique aspects of the practice of forensic science, 包括证据收集, 样品处理, analysis and reporting practices; specific legal and ethical considerations; and expert courtroom testimony.


学生 are encouraged to pursue experiential learning in a lab and to consider chemistry-centric research opportunities that are available on campus. 

的 forensic science capstone experience involves an in-house internship experience that includes mock evidence, 动手时间与最先进的仪器, 报告写作经验和模拟审判.


学生 completing this specialization will be well prepared for a graduate forensic science program or employment in a local, 州或联邦犯罪实验室. 

当涉及到破案时,它需要一个训练有素的专业团队. 例如, 在毒品案件中, forensic chemists would analyze and identify a substance retrieved by forensic investigators who have sampled and recorded its location. 法医毒理学家会博天堂官方网站这种物质对人体的影响, 法医生物学家会博天堂官方网站留在犯罪现场的DNA, 法医也会找出凶手的身份.

Connecting you with opportunities and meeting practicing professionals in those roles is possible through an extensive field-based internship and close contact with professionals from the on-campus Ohio State Crime Lab.

的 法医学技术人员队伍 page on the Bureau of Labor Statistics website shows the rapidly increasing demand for forensic science occupations over the next decade. 

走得远 他的职业是

  • 法医科学家
  • 药物化学家
  • 法医化学家 
  • 研发化验师
  • 品质控制化验师
  • 炸药的化学家
  • 法医毒理学家

的 法医学未来博天堂官方网站中心 at BGSU offers unparalleled experiential learning to forensic science students and a gateway to advanced training and cutting-edge forensic science research.


法医学住宿学习社区 (FSRLC)适用于所有在BGSU注册的学生 法医学学士学位 degree program or seeking a pathway to enrollment through either the Biology or Chemistry Department forensic science specializations. 

FSRLC旨在帮助法医学专业的学生共同生活、学习和成功. It provides experiential forensic science learning and networking opportunities designed to augment the classroom experience as well as provide unique opportunities beyond the classroom to investigate the real world of forensic science.



  • SAT - 2016年3月之前: Combined SAT score of 1100 or higher, with at least a 550 score on the 数学 portion; or
  • SAT - 2016年3月及以后: Combined SAT score of 1200 or higher, with at least a  550 score on the 数学 section; or
  • 行为 - 行为综合成绩和数学成绩在25分或以上



  • 获得大学累积绩点3分.0或更高,
  • 在化学1250或化学1350和化学1350中获得C或以上
  • 在化学1270(包括化学1280实验室)或化学1370(包括化学1380实验室)中获得“C”或以上
  • Earned a “C” or better in the Organic Chemistry sequence: CHEM 3410 and CHEM 3440 (including CHEM 3460 lab).




  • 为刑事司法系统的利益,批判性地思考和分析复杂的数据
  • 运用不同的信息和技能来解决与解决犯罪相关的现实问题
  • Utilize laboratory skills with exacting standards and precision of care within the context of solving crimes



  • 在真实的犯罪实验室案例工作中展示正式的教育和培训.
  • Operate all scientific instrumentation typically used by crime laboratories to identify controlled substances.
  • 了解必要的分析程序,以确定刑事诉讼中的受控物质.
  • Record accurate and complete examination documentation; as well as use that examination documentation to prepare a laboratory report summarizing their findings.
  • Implement the foundation of applied scientific and ethical education to ensure an objective evaluation of suspected controlled substances without bias. 

州立鲍灵格林大学(BGSU)是由高等教育委员会认证的.  BGSU于1916年1月1日获得高等教育委员会认证. 最近一次认证确认是在2012 - 2013年收到的. 问题应直接向机构效率办公室提出.

​​的 BGSU 法医学专业 received accreditation from the 法医学教育项目认证委员会(FEPAC) in 2022.  更多有关认证的资料.

州立鲍灵格林大学的课程可以获得执照, 证明和/或背书, 是否在线交付, 面对面或混合形式, 满足俄亥俄州对这些证书的学术要求.

牌照要求, 证明和/或背书 eligibility vary greatly from one profession to another and from state to state. 法医科学课程不会导致专业执照.

根据高等教育法第四章披露要求, an institution must provide current and prospective students with information about each of its programs that prepares students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.

的 forensic science program is not a recognized occupation that requires a 有偿的工作 disclosure.
