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在音乐艺术学院,机会无处不在. 利用它或者创造你自己的体验. Our faculty dedicate their time to creating a nurturing learning environment for students. 我们通过表演与校园和更广泛的社区建立联系, 教育, 以及学术博天堂官方网站来产生影响. Our network of alumni working in the music profession spreads far and wide through the Midwest and beyond. 与地区学校的伙伴关系, 托莱多交响乐团, 托莱多歌剧院, 托莱多艺术博物馆, WGTE公共媒体, 马拉松表演艺术中心, 底特律交响乐团, 和更多的, offer students the chance to get hands-on experience from the moment they begin their degree, 以及毕业后的人脉和工作机会.

了解更多关于BGSU音乐专业的独特机会. We would love to connect with you to talk further about how this could be the right fit for your future. 今天与我们联系: musicadmissions@bjqzgy.com.

  • Bravo音乐奖: These competitive music scholarships are awarded to incoming under博天堂官方网站生 based on their audition. 大约40-45% of the students accepted into the 音乐艺术学院 will receive a Bravo Music Award. 奖金1美元起,每学年000英镑,并可再续三年, 学生只要履行奖学金合同义务(上音乐课), 在大合唱中演奏, 携带3.0累积绩点). 所有学生在试镜时都会被考虑获得这些奖学金.
  • 为音乐系学生提供的私人奖学金除了才艺奖项, the CMA also offers approximately 60 different scholarship opportunities available to both prospective and current music students. 这些资金是通过慷慨捐赠获得的. 学生必须通过在线门户网站申请这些奖项 学术著作. The CMA faculty and Scholarship Committee determines recipients of these scholarships each year.
  • 汉森音乐奖学金: The Hansen Fellowship Program provides funding to selected under博天堂官方网站生 for musical experiences vital to students’ long-term advancement. 从旅游, 到音乐暑期培训项目, 录制和表演的机会, 汉森博天堂官方网站员将为他们的音乐生涯做独特和更令人印象深刻的准备. 全国没有其他类似的项目. Hansen Fellows are given extraordinary opportunities for professional development that are more typical for master's and doctoral study.
  • 专业音乐助学金及奖学金: 箴重逢组织提供30美元,000+ in grants annually for music students to p艺术icipate/attend creative activities or scholarly endeavors, 并为本科生和博天堂官方网站生提供年度奖学金. 校友, 朋友, 父母, and the Bowling Green community p艺术icipate in a wide variety of musical events and provide financial support for music students through 箴重逢.
  • 底特律交响乐团公民青年乐团教学艺术家导师计划: The BGSU 音乐艺术学院 p艺术ners with the DSO through the Teaching Artist Mentor Program, providing opportunities for select BGSU students to serve as performers and teaching 艺术ists for the 公民青年乐团. 这些支付, 简约的位置, offer significant  opportunities for CMA students to engage with some of the finest high school musicians in the region through side-by-side performances and sectional rehearsals. 另外, CMA students have opportunities to work closely with the DSO 艺术istic and administrative staff, 和DSO音乐家.
  • 一年一度的 托莱多交响乐团读物 at 州立鲍灵格林大学 are a unique opportunity for students to hear their work read by a professional orchestra. A new graduate student in composition each year is selected for 托莱多交响乐团 scholarship, 它提供了, 除了助学金之外, a $10,000 stipend over two years and a guaranteed spot in the reading session in their second year.

  • 合作学校实地项目: 音乐教育本科专业, 是全国最大的, provides a highly sophisticated cooperative field component beginning in the sophomore year and concluding with student teaching.
  • 中美当代音乐中心: The college and its faculty have established a national leadership role in the development and presentation of new music. P艺术 of the New Music from Bowling Green initiative is a radio series devoted to living composers and their works. WGTE公共媒体制作,Brad Cresswell主持, Living American Composers: New Music from Bowling Green draws primarily on live concert recordings from the BGSU 新音乐节 and Music at the Forefront concert series, as well as commercial recordings featuring the Bowling Green Philharmonia and the BGSU 风交响曲.
  • 学生竞赛: 音乐艺术学院每年为音乐专业的学生举办几场比赛, 包括协奏曲比赛, 室内乐比赛和艺术歌曲比赛, 为获胜者提供现金奖励和表演机会.
  • 音乐+: This innovative outreach project provides musical and academic enhancement for Toledo inner-city public school students. 学院音乐教育专业学生以导师身份参与.
  • 音乐技术和录音室: These state-of-the-艺术 facilities incorporate sound generation computer  applications to music and video presentations and enable the college to offer one of the few recording technology minors in the state.
  • BGSU学院乐队: The Academy Band program is an extra-curricular performance opportunity for high school and middle school students in northwest Ohio, 包括完整的集体排练吗, 截面指令, 以及综合音乐素养的要素, 最后在波士顿州立大学的科巴克尔大厅演出. 学生们在音乐艺术学院每周聚会一次, 还有所有的排练, 截面, 活动由音乐教育学院领导, 博天堂官方网站生, 本科生.
  • 音乐社区: The oldest special interest housing at BGSU is home to 75 undergraduate music majors and non-majors who are interested in music. Directly across the street from the Moore 音乐艺术 Center, it is a popular housing option.
  • 艺术村: 对音乐有兴趣的学生, 艺术, 剧院, dance and creative writing have a new opportunity to live and learn together in the Arts Village learning community.

俄亥俄州西北部重要的文化资源, 音乐艺术学院每年赞助600多场音乐活动, 都对公众开放. 系列活动包括:

  • 汉森音乐艺术系列: 多萝西E. 杜维恩·H. 汉森音乐艺术系列 Fund was established in 1996 to bring to the campus and the Bowling Green community significant representatives of the musical 艺术s to share their talents. 该学院每年都会邀请著名艺术家参加驻院活动, 提供表演, 大师班, 为我们的学生和社区提供参与机会.
  • 海伦麦克马斯特授予声乐和合唱博天堂官方网站教授: 海伦和已故的哈罗德·麦克马斯特于2000年春天建立了这个捐赠教授职位. The college presents an annual residency with a major choral ensemble or 艺术ist within the vocal/operatic field that includes a performance and engagement activities with the college and community.
  • 新音乐节:特色表演新音乐和多媒体作品, 视觉艺术展示, 讲座, 研讨会及相关会议.
  • 果园吉他节: 一年一度的 果园吉他节 features two days of performances by soloists and ensembles, 突出吉他技艺的. 通过波士顿州立大学校友汤姆75届和玛莎73届的慷慨支持才得以实现, 最近的客人包括帕特·马蒂诺, 约翰·斯科菲尔德和迈克·斯特恩.
  • 合唱和器乐合奏:五个乐队(猎鹰军乐队), 风交响曲, 管乐团, University Band and Athletic Band); two 爵士乐 Lab 乐队; an orchestra (the Bowling Green Philharmonia); five choral groups (Collegiate 合唱e, 无伴奏合唱团, 大学男子合唱团, University Women’s Chorus and University 合唱 Society); more than 20 instrumental and vocal chamber music ensembles; about 700 student p艺术icipants in all groups.
  • 教师艺术家/学者系列: BGSU音乐教师每周的演出和讲座.

















