

We are looking forward to having you be a part of our community next year.
As you navigate this process, use this page as your launching point to plan your home away from home. 



住房 Comparison

There are many housing options available to students. Make sure to check out our residence halls to determine where you would like to live.

Move In August 17, 2023


Living with a roommate can be one of the best parts of your college life experience. As part of the room selection process, you can choose to request a roommate or be assigned one.

Offenhauer Towers Dorm 房间 Photos


住房 sign-up for New 学生 is available online. Use the guide to help you through the process.


Learning Communities

If BGSU was a city, a Learning Community would be your neighborhood and your next-door neighbors would be your new best friends down the hall.

Updated: 12/07/2023 09:05AM