
What is a scholarship?

奖学金为博天堂官方网站生提供攻读高级学位的机会. 候选人完成申请程序,获得全日制学习的竞争性奖学金. 奖学金支付大部分教学费用,而奖学金获得者则需要支付所有费用. 博天堂官方网站生也可以申请在攻读学位期间每周在大学工作约20小时的津贴. 这个有竞争力的机会是通过BGSU的教学与学习学院(STL)获得的。. 获得奖学金的学生将参加5月至8月的面对面暑期读写班和博天堂官方网站生迎新会(8月)。. Applications are due January 15.

What do graduate assistants do?


  • Research Assistant (RA1):
    执行主要与办公室和/或项目协调相关的行政和支持职责. 主要与项目协调员或学校主管一起跟踪博天堂官方情况, assist with student advising, collect and analyze program data, 制定招聘和保留计划或材料, 为项目会议制定议程, take minutes of meetings, and other duties as assigned.
  • Research Assistant (RA2):
    Assists with the researchers’ projects and/or research endeavors; assists with data collection, which may include surveys, interviews or document analysis; search and compile literature required for research studies; types notes, data entry, and organizes materials; documents the research findings and results in a systematic manner as requested by the researcher; assists in the preparation of materials for professional development or other research related activities; assists the researcher in various research related functions, 包括实地考察和协助招募将参与未来博天堂官方网站的受试者.
  • Teaching Assistant (TA):
    Assigned to particular faculty or courses to assist with instructional activities that may include grading; course technology management; online or face-to-face instructional support; supervises field experiences; and facilitates small group seminar discussions or activities. 有K-12学校教学经验者优先. 分配给玛莎·格斯林·韦伯阅读中心的助教需要在他们项目的第一个夏天完成阅读背书.
  • Teaching Associate (TI):
    Serves as an instructor of record for a course; responsible for grading assignments; interacts with students; teaches new concepts or skills; and submits final grades. 能够独立工作优先考虑. 在K-12学校的教学经验或某些任务所需的高级技术技能.


  • Complete the Graduate College Application 阅读教育硕士课程
    • 所有参加院校的正式成绩单一份
    • 考试成绩复印件(Praxis II PLT, OR GRE, OR OAE Pedagogy) 
  • 申请助学金,请填写以下内容:
  • 把奖学金申请表寄给温迪·沃恩.  
    • 在页面底部有一个清单,可以帮助您跟踪所需的信息.
    • 所有材料必须由 January 15


Wendy Vaughn
529 Education Building
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403

For additional questions contact:

Dr. Kate Brodeur, Program Coordinator

Assistantship Forms:

Assistantship Application
Letter of Reference Form

Updated: 10/16/2023 10:23AM